There is technology all around us. This blog will try to discover technical gems around the world. The journey will explore how tech is used, works and effects it's market/industries. Industries to research include: electronics, aerospace, civil, chemicals, medical, manufacturing, agriculture, construction, environmental, computer, communications, transportation.
The key for society in general is whether the tech solution is a good one, the best one or the only one. The pro and cons for using various technologies combined with its benefits. So I would like your help in finding interesting tech discoveries gleaned from tech organizations, industry journals, newspaper articles, tech blogs, websites and books. I look forward to this collaboration as we embark on this quest to investigate the most influential technologies in multiple sectors around the world..
Creating an online incubator website and educational resource Patrons may get a new perspective on a problem, a new angle on a solution or a eureka moment to create a new invention.